Sunday, December 11, 2011

The brginning

Sure pray this works this is the third time trying to get this to go thru on the blog. It is so frustrating when it doesn't work and publish. My cousin Jeanie and her husband Ron brought this big bulb, in this tiny pot with 2 tablesspoons of dirt on it to me when I had only been out of the hospital about 4 days. She gave me 10 minutes of instructions as to how to take care of this thing. I thought why would anybody bring me all this work when I was trying to get myself ready to leave for Texas. I had so much healing and learning to do and here is this flower. But I have apologized to her several times it has turned out beautiful and still getting pretti We have really enjoyed it so much everyday. Our manager's wife loves flowers and she is watching it to. Only God has kept it alive and showed us another one of his great creation. Hope you enjoy it as much as we have.
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