Sunday, July 17, 2011


July 10th Val and Daleen celebrated their Dad and Mom's 25th wedding anniversary.. They surprised them and they were surprised. They had it in the social room of the New Hope church where Lowell and Rowena go to church. Lowell's brother Max and I stood up with them. Time sure flies. Sis said we should be celebrating 50 years instead of 25. I told her we been married for 61 more like 66 or so. We enjoyed seeing all the people too, especially 97 year old Alice, can't remeber when we saw her. She watched Lowell and I grow up and was at our wedding.
After that party was over we headed to Greenville to celebrate Aunt Wanda's 95th BD. She is the only Aunt we have left. She is my Dad's brother's first wife and the grandmother of Debbie in the next blog.
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