Sunday, July 31, 2011


The temp has been so hot every day. The pool was 93 degrees but it still felt great. The boys beat the girls at water volley ball. Would you believe at my age I played ball now you know why the girls got beat. We have been having extremely hot weather. Our AC's never really shut off. Lowell and I have been waxing the motor home. We are 1/2 finished PTL. We limit ourself to so much time a day and only work in the morning.
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Lowell had a get together in Covington OH at Buffalo Jacks. This was for the Manfreddi drivers that used to drive together a few years ago. The one driver from Covington sets the date for the party. Lowell enjoyed seeing them and shooting the bull with them. I decided to go swimming in our old pool. It was beautiful and it was fun. It's not every great grandma that gets to go swimming with 4 of her great grand kids, 2 grandkids and our daughter.
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Sunday, July 17, 2011


We were so excited to have our favorite Iowa grandchildren visit us here in St Marys. They shared some of their precious vacation time with us. We get to see them when we are in Iowa but it's really neat to have them all to ourselves. I fixed supper for them and they were so sweet and said a homecooked meal was just what they needed. We even got to play 2 games of Euchre and Heather and I got the pants beat off of us. Grandpa and I appreciate any time any of the kids can give us. They are all so busy.
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July 10th Val and Daleen celebrated their Dad and Mom's 25th wedding anniversary.. They surprised them and they were surprised. They had it in the social room of the New Hope church where Lowell and Rowena go to church. Lowell's brother Max and I stood up with them. Time sure flies. Sis said we should be celebrating 50 years instead of 25. I told her we been married for 61 more like 66 or so. We enjoyed seeing all the people too, especially 97 year old Alice, can't remeber when we saw her. She watched Lowell and I grow up and was at our wedding.
After that party was over we headed to Greenville to celebrate Aunt Wanda's 95th BD. She is the only Aunt we have left. She is my Dad's brother's first wife and the grandmother of Debbie in the next blog.
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The Jess Clan met at Buffalo Jack's for breakfast on Monday the 11th. We had a good time visiting with the few that were there. When we have it for breakfast the ones that work sure can't come. They are meeting at Bob Evans in Piqua on the 8th of August.
The first picture aren't related, they are not Jess's. I just couldn't resist throwing the picture in. At least I didn't try to claim the ole Buffalo in front of the place.
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When we walked in to the party the gal in the top picture saw Lowell and I and wanted to know what we were doing at Tia's Party. Well I told her I could ask her the same thing. She said she drives several of Tia's friends to work, which is where Tia works. So I said I am Tia's great aunt and she said no you can't be. To make a long story short Debbie's mother was my first cousin on my Dad's side. Her and Daleen have know each other for a long time but never had any idea they were related. Debbie didn't know my sister Daleen's mother was even there. Well the boy in the blue shirt is Tia's friend. They are kind of Sweet on each other. The kids found out they are related today. Wesley is Debbie's cousin too on her Mom's side, I told the kids if they like each other go for it they are third cousins but in their case it doesn't matter. We had a great time visiting with Debbie.
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Still can't get my blog to work right. Brian and Aunt Val were 2 of the cooks. Tia's shirt was her guest book, neat idea Daleen. Rachel is her sister and another one of the cooks serving the BD girl. Daleen and Nick wanted Tia to be able to celebrate her 30th BD, since the doctors said she would never live past 10 years old. Sure thankful they are not God. She really appreciated everyone coming. A delicious meal and good time was had by all, including Brian and Rachel's Lane. He is a little cutey, but was cutting teeth so he was a little fussy. The cake was yummy. Tia's shirt said a big 30 and I don't wanna grow up.
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Monday, July 4, 2011

JULY 3rd

We didn't stay at Russell's Point for the fire works, guess they were great but we were tired and didn't want to get in the crowd.

We had company on the third and I needed to fix lunch. We had special guests, course all our guests are special. but we haven't seen Ruthie for we can't remember how long. But we had the privilege of getting to meet her current friend. This one must be special cause there was a lot of them we never got to meet.

We told her to quit fishing and reel this one in.

But we have had a wonderful 4th.

Read this the other day and thought it was neat. "One out of 4 people are mentally unbalanced. Think of 3 of your closest friends if they are OK then you must be the one." Sorry!!
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JULY 2nd

Dee had us over for a wonderful meal and a good time on the 2nd. The Houses's were the only kids there but we enjoyed them.
Morgan doesn't let me hold her very much so this was a real treat. Wyatt beat me at corn hole so what else is new. Morgan is doing time out for something, who knows what. Wyatt jumped off the back of the boat but Morgan wasn't about too. They have grown up so fast.
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We are next to a wheat field at our park and they combined the wheat. Can't remember when we have been this close to a combine in action. The park went all out they hauled a bunch of the kids around in a wagon, brought in a water slide and we had a band during the holiday too. We enjoyed watching the little ones.
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We drove 65 miles to one of Wyatt's games. Lowell was able to go and boy I was glad, that far is just too much for me by myself. He played a great game but he lost too. So sad but they can't win them all. This is Morgan with him she wasn't too interested in the game, more interested in the concession stand.
We celebrated our 61st wedding anniversary this month. Lowell's little sister and her husband came up and we went out for supper had a good time. One of our classmates stopped in one day and we went to Celina to eat with them and had a good time. Just not much going on this summer.
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We never got to Amanda's ball games this summer. With Lowell having surgery it kind of messed up our ball game season. Lowell came thru with flying colors it took a little longer to recoup this time around but he is 5 years older too. But he made it and that is what is important. Anyhow I drove to Greenville to her tournament game and bless her heart they played good but the other team played better. So that was her only game I got to go to. This is a couple of pictures of her fan club. I was standing on a cement slab and she was still taller, she loves that.
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