Sunday, April 24, 2011


TX Blue Bonnets, we kept seeing them along the road and we stopped for a sandwich. You guessed it the Lord supplied my personal garden of Blue Bonnets. I walked up and took a picture. They have a seed pod like peas. Really neat.

This is in McAllister OK I have always wanted to take a picture of this. This is a picture of a cattle drive there are two cowboys and cattle going on the bank thru town. I got one cow and they look so real. Maybe someday the boss will stop and let me take a real picture.

This was what we woke up to in IA at Squaw Creek Campground. They are putting in new campsites so the animals never came around like other years. We saw some wild turkeys in a corn field but couldn't get any pictures. We had beautiful traveling days to MO and IA. A truck drivers a dream a tailwind the whole way.
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