Thursday, April 21, 2011


This new addition to our family is named Euchre. There is a pelican statue in the den at Ransom that I just loved. So me and my big mouth said to my dear friend the owner Pam if you ever decide to throw that pelican out will you save her for me. I just love her she has a baby beside her. She said take her home tonight I don't care. So I did and Lowell said you can't keep her people will think you stole her. So the next morning Pam put her in a bag and took her back. Later on that day here she comes with this pelican for me. So I named her "Euchre".

This pelican I named Peaches. I worked on this little daschund named Sadie to help her walk after a lady accidently stepped on her and hurt her back. The guy that makes these paid me with "Peaches" for working on Sadie. She has eyelashes and lipstick. Her sign says playing cards.

These are my Euchre Buddies, Dooowayne Esther and Rick.

Laura and Pam I got them hooked on playing euchre this winter and we started playing every night. They loved 6 handed the best. We had a ball and I really miss them.
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