Sunday, April 24, 2011


Talk about a cool teenager, Cory has his braces off and a new hair style, love it Cory. Congratulations to Cory he will start working at the Steak and Shake in Troy. So happy for him.

Cory, Rob and Donna

The tired host.

AJ's Dad.
Aren't you glad Easter celebration is over.

Not really we serve a Risen Saviour and we are so thankful He is our Saviour. He is Risen indeed.
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By the time poor Amanda got out there the easy ones were gone.

Each hunter couldn't get more than 18 eggs.

The egg hunters are getting older and older.

Are they fighting over an egg, boys they only had 15 cents in them.
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They wouldn't let Amber have a bag.

Wyatt is a serious egg hunter.
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AJ and Morgan wouldn't quit poising.

I think Morgan missed the easy one

AJ's got his eye on it.

The rain held off and the flowers were so beautiful. Ashley and Wyatt were turned lose finally.
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This is the colorful carpet in I think the 4 year old room at church, Each room has it's own color scheme and matching cupboards and their own bathrooms.

We are crossing the IL river and Dad said you'll never get the barge going thru the draw bridge, couldn't believe it.
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This made the snow all worth it. We had a wonderful visit with the kids. Our real Blessing was having Leesa feeling the best we have seen her in ages. Just can't thank the Lord enough for that.

Then poor Bob never got to celebrate his birthday in March so we had to help eat his wonderfull cake.

This is the worship center at the new church, boy they have a lot to do yet.

This is New Covenant "Box" we can't call it a church till the people get there. That's what makes it a church. It is gigantic and very beautiful. The litttle ones are going to have quite a church. The colors are something else. Everythings revolves around the children and their parents. Dad and I toured the floor level and will have to do the lower level in the fall, too much in one trip.
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TX Blue Bonnets, we kept seeing them along the road and we stopped for a sandwich. You guessed it the Lord supplied my personal garden of Blue Bonnets. I walked up and took a picture. They have a seed pod like peas. Really neat.

This is in McAllister OK I have always wanted to take a picture of this. This is a picture of a cattle drive there are two cowboys and cattle going on the bank thru town. I got one cow and they look so real. Maybe someday the boss will stop and let me take a real picture.

This was what we woke up to in IA at Squaw Creek Campground. They are putting in new campsites so the animals never came around like other years. We saw some wild turkeys in a corn field but couldn't get any pictures. We had beautiful traveling days to MO and IA. A truck drivers a dream a tailwind the whole way.
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Our new flag pole and sign holder and of course Peaches.

Last day of playing 99 Laura and I split the pot. This is Ben yours truly Laura and Kris. Before everybody started leaving we'd have 15 or so players.

Ben is the manager and this is his cute little wife Marrisa. she'll never get old. Carol and Dooowaine and Laura.

These are a few of the Pokeno players. Mary, Betty and my dear friend Pam.

Pam was the big winner.Posted by Picasa


Just some pictures of the rough water. We enjoy the ocean so much. It is so soothing even though it is rough.

This was the night the moon was closest to the earth and so it was the biggest. Well after all what did you expect we are in Texas! LOL
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We saw this tug pushing this barge thru our channel and all of a sudden the tug started around the barge. Well I am bursting with curiosity couldn't leave without knowing what's going on. The suspene is building here is the big barge floating alone thru the channel. The tug goes around and way out in front of the barge like he doesn't want anything to do with him. Well you have to read the next blog to find out. That is if I have the blog in the right sequence.
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Hope you were able to see the pictures of this tug and barge otherwise this wouldn't make sense. Can you see the line on the barge and the tug. Don't know where they went or how far but they were headed for the ocean the last we saw of them.
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