Sunday, April 4, 2010

Packing up to move out

Still having trouble with Picasa, no pictures yet, maybe next week, or maybe never. I am not a change person and you guessed it dear old Picasa changed my simple routine that I loved because it was easy. I don't know if I'll ever get it right. Anybody that knows me very well knows I don't handle change easy.

We are trying to get the last minute things done. When you haven't moved for 4 months there are a lot of changes that need to be made. Everything has to have skid proof stuff under them, so you try to clean everything when you do this. Everybody wants to get in that last card game with you, Dad has so much trouble with that. He has read all the books in the library so it must be time to move on.

There are no more potlucks in the clubhouse since April 1st. We had 27 RV'ers move out on the first. So we had a nice quiet Easter. Went to church and told the Pastor good bye. Came home and went to Wal mart for last minute things fixed a couple of steaks I found in the deep freeze, baked 2 potatoes and had a big bowl of strawberries, they were delicious.

We went out to lunch yesterday with a couple from Michigan and they left this morning.

Our refrig is having brain trouble it is not keeping up like it should so we are praying they can get it fixed tomorrow. It is one of our necessities in life, ya know what I mean.

I'm not saying this is the last time I blog from Texas until that refrig gets fixed. But we are sure praying hard.

So Missouri next, we'll see.

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