Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Port Aransas TX

This nice little tug crossed in front of us while we were waiting on the ferry.
Kind of windy today, I mean strong winds.
I was playing with the contrast on these. It shows up the waves doesn't it.
I forgot to tell you about Grampa the other day. This old gentleman in the park rides a medical scooter and walks his dog Digger on a leash. Well I didn't know how it was going to end so didn't grab the camera. Well he got the the scooter up on side, got down on his knees and the dog got up in his face and tried to lick him. Course that's why I didn't think of the camera, I was laughing too hard. Then he got the leash untwisted and the dog was walking away. So you know who went after the dog, well Grampa did and walked it back to the scooter. So he came back in and I'm still laughing and he said enjoy it. I did!!!!
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