Thursday, October 2, 2008

Hershey PA

This is where Grampa delivered corn syrup to Hershey years ago.
The smoke stacks say Hershey
too what else.
This is the golf course that Milton had built, next to the factory.

My favorite Avenue.
During the depression everybody worked and never lost their job. They never lost a day's pay. Everybody had a home that worked there. He would have them built and sell it to them for a dollar. He went to Cuba and bought a sugar plantation and did the same for his employees down there. He was so generous. He went bankrupt 3 times but he kept bouncing back. He and his wife couldn't have children so they started an orphanage that controls 77 % of the voting stock. Any child can attend this school if they qualify. They come from all over the U S. This school does not cost them a penny to attend.
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