Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Why we came home

This is where Ryan teaches Physics and next year he'll be teaching Engineering too. The kids just love him and we can see why. Heather was insurance adjuster but guess she'll be going back to Accounting.

The kids have a real nice 1/2 house, the 3 of them like it in Kansas. Rennie is such a good quiet dog.
Here's the back of the house from out on the road.
Just between us I think the back looks better right now. Yhey have moved in and we can't wait to see it.
The reason our blog was so far behind is because we use Verizon air card and Verizon doesn't know that Pleasant Hill is on the map or in the air. Here at the Darke County Fairgrounds is where we are now we have excellent service. Rob and Donna have purchased our home and moved in so this is all we have is our motorhome, But we love it. We get to watch the race horses train it is neat. The price is right and our electric is included. We'll be staying here till the afternoon of the first, then leaving for IA.
The thought for the day "The happiest people don't necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the most of everything that comes along their way". We are happy!!!!
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