Wednesday, June 18, 2008

This is why we came home.

Lowell said " we are a couple of Boll weevils looking for a home." A lot has happened since we came home the last of April.. Molly graduated from nursing school, Molly passed her state board and is working at Miami Valley Hospital. Got the job she wanted. Matt has one more year of school. Matt really likes her big pay checks. We went to Indian Lake to see Dee & Bob's new lakehouse. It is a two bedroom home with a huge patio. Really nice! A boat dock about a block and a half from the house. The kids all celebrated Mother's and Father's Day. We could get spoiled real easy with those great meals. But guess what it done to us, you guessed it we both put on weight.

This is Wyatt, he gave us a scare his appendix burst and he was in Children's for 6 days.
The famous AJ, he is walking now what a treat and he celebrated his first birthday the 4th June. He is so precious.
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