Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Port Aransas

Here's a close up, does that help?
Here he comes back thru, we think it was the same one coming back thru the channel.

History lesson for the day!
Whatever way you come into Aransas Pass this is what you see. We think it is pretty neat.

Pride and Grace cannot dwell in the same place.
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Playing with the camera on the Port

Rather windy and rough.

Ship coming through the channel

We don't know what kind of birds these are. Do you think they are having school? Looked like it to us.
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Port Aransas TX

This nice little tug crossed in front of us while we were waiting on the ferry.
Kind of windy today, I mean strong winds.
I was playing with the contrast on these. It shows up the waves doesn't it.
I forgot to tell you about Grampa the other day. This old gentleman in the park rides a medical scooter and walks his dog Digger on a leash. Well I didn't know how it was going to end so didn't grab the camera. Well he got the the scooter up on side, got down on his knees and the dog got up in his face and tried to lick him. Course that's why I didn't think of the camera, I was laughing too hard. Then he got the leash untwisted and the dog was walking away. So you know who went after the dog, well Grampa did and walked it back to the scooter. So he came back in and I'm still laughing and he said enjoy it. I did!!!!
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Friday, December 12, 2008

Christmas in our park

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Christmas in our park

Our club house, known as the Captains Den. This is where we have our get togethers and I play Pokeno every monday night.
This tree is blue in the daytime and guess who thinks it is really pretty. Two decorated football players for Christmas?
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Conn Harbor

Tide is out the cranes are walking on the bottom.

This is where the shrimp history all started. Double click on the 2 bottom pictures you can read those easier. Shrimp started out as fish bait, those lucky fish.

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Conn Harbor

We have to have help we can't do this by ourselves. Some of you Yankees are going to have to come down and help us. I don't think even 3 months will be long enough for us to work on them. So don't wait till we are ready to shove off you may get left.
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Conn Harbor

Sights along the shore line.

Big salvage boat, we couldn't see what he was working on, but it had to be big.
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Rockpot and Conn Harbor

You have heard of Baylor University in Dallas TX well this is where Dr Baylor started his practice. This home I'm sure has been renovated. Don't forget to double click on it so you can read the plaque.

Conn Harbor channel it is so beautiful today, a little cool but beautiful.

The bridge we cross to take the ferry to Port Aransas.
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Saturday, December 6, 2008

Tis the season

This is for all of our great grandkids and our little great great . He was at the same house that the flowers were. Big ole tug

crossed in front of our ferry you'll have to put him together we don't know how to do this. He had several barges to push thru the channel. Didn't look like he was going home for CHRISTmas but maybe he is.
This is our map of Port Aransas and the channel. The red line is the beach area.
I think we need to take a course in photography, we are not asking for your opinion. But if it will help tell us.
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The beach

Your guess is as good as mine, I don't know where she is from.
Just a smaller ship coming thru our private channel
The wind was really blowing as you can see there was not hardly anybody on the beach. The and was really blowing.Saw these beautiful flowers on Pelican St. . We don't know the Webers but they shared their flowers with us. They have a beautiful home. Lowell said I think they have more money than us. I said they don't have as much as they did.

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