Sunday, December 2, 2007


Sorry we haven't updated our blog sooner, but we have covered a lot of territory.
We had Thanksgiving with Lowell's little brother Mike in Marshfield, MO.
We had a wonderful time with Carol and Mike and their daughter Susan, her husband Joe and their 3 kids. Brendan 12, Kellon 8 and Caroline 5. We stayed there for a few days and headed out on a beautiful sunny day for parts unknown. We just knew we wanted to be in warmer weather.
We drove to West Memphis, AR and stayed in the rest area.
We decided in the AM to try the River View Park in Vidalia. LA. here we are till we head home for Christmas.
It is a real nice campground. They have a pool and a hot tub, but not being a polar bear I won't be going swimming. We are right on the Mississippi River. The barges goes up and down the river 24 - 7. This AM we had a real treat the American Paddlewheel went north playing the caliope too.
It was really neat.
Our son-in-law Mark had hip surgery this week and is doing well as can be expected. Leesa is getting stronger every day and she has promised to not over do.
I'm working on the two new great grandchildren's Christmas stockings. Lowell is doing odd things that have needed to be done and didn't feel like doing. So you can see we are acting like 2 retired people and loving it.
We tried to take a picture of the paddlewheel so if it is here it worked and if you didn't it didn't.
Till next time Roaminjs

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