Friday, December 21, 2007

Work on the river

Lowell and I were so excited we finally were able to see a barge being loaded. We were told they were loading soybeans on the barge from the Bunge elevator next to our park. I kept telling Lowell that's where they made bunge cords, but he didn't believe me. The end of the barge was clear out of the water. They loaded one section at a time.
Across the river at the same time they were using a big crane with a shovel and unloading a barge with limestone on it. We could see the dust rolling from both barges. The limestone was going in rail cars.
This was quite an experience for us as we had been wanting to see something like this done. We even went out in the rain to watch this.
Now we have to pack up to go home. I think this is all I have done since October is pack and unpack. We are leaving our motor home here and driving home in the car. Two reasons one the price of fuel and the other because of the terrible weather in OH. We are leaving it in the Lord's hands to watch over it.

We arrived home safely and glad to see everyone. We have a bed, stove, refrigerator 2 card tables, 8 chairs and one recliner. Tony didn' t take it yet. A small skillet and a small pan, lots of paperware and plastic forks and spoons. This way everybody feels sorry for us and invites us out to eat.

We pray that any of you that reads are blog will celebrate Christ's birth because that's what this wonderful season is all about.
Have a very Merry Christmas and a happy new year and we will see you back in LA.
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Thursday, December 13, 2007


We took a trip today along the river hunting for the locks. We found the lock but we also learned there are two Mississippi Rivers. There are several stations called Old river controls. They keep the Mississippi running where they want it to. Even the poor old Mississippi can't flow where it wants to. They also have a hydroelectric station producing electricity. The man from the corp of engineers showed us around and explained things. It was very interesting too. You can't get close to anything without an escort. Such a shame. We went on down the road and found the locks. There was a tug there so we got a close up of her. On the way down the river we saw this RV Camp so we decided to check it out on the way home.

Well we stopped and it was not for us we are always hunting cheap camp sites. That's when we found out it is on the old river as they call it. There were some permanent homes there and they were on stilts. Now we know what that means. Lowell figured the mosquitos would carry us off too. We didn't even check the price it was very obvious we couldn't get our satelite to work. Can't stay here. But we were so happy we went back there. There was an old paddlewheel just rotting away on the bank. Guess it just washed up there and there it died. What a shame . But we sent a picture back to Mark and Ersta figured they would want to refurbish it. After all they did such a good job on theirs. But we haven't heard from them.

I did get AJ and Morgans Christmas stockings done.
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Monday, December 10, 2007

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Natchez MS

We took the day off to do a little sight seeing across the river in Natchez. It was a beautiful day. Lowell thought a little too warm but not me.
We priced the carriage rides but decided to do a self taught tour(I think they call it cheap) but we will be here a month at least so we have time to see everything.
We know one thing for sure we either bought the wrong camera or we don't understand what we need to do, with the one we have. We took some pictures and will try to get them on the blog with this.
Natchez is a very old town. The big old homes are something to see. They are beautiful and could never be replaced at todays prices. We figured they must have been young when they built them because they all had so many steps.
We went about 1 1/2 miles out of town and drove thru the National Cemetery. Oh how humbling and sad to see how many people have given their lives for our freedom. Just row after row of unknown soldiers graves
I didn't realize how many there are. It was very touching for Lowell and I.
We have no idea how many graves there are but it is big.
The Mississippi River is so large too. It is something how wide it is. Somebody must have gotten some rain or snow because the river rose today, no I didn't measure it but the sand bars are covered more than they were.
Well I finished your Christmas cards today and now I can get Morgan's stocking finished. If we can get the camera to cooperate with Lowell and I we'll give you a preview of the stockings. Sure hope our babies like them.
Believe it or not I have run out of thngs to tell you so till the next time!

Monday, December 3, 2007

Sunday, December 2, 2007


Sorry we haven't updated our blog sooner, but we have covered a lot of territory.
We had Thanksgiving with Lowell's little brother Mike in Marshfield, MO.
We had a wonderful time with Carol and Mike and their daughter Susan, her husband Joe and their 3 kids. Brendan 12, Kellon 8 and Caroline 5. We stayed there for a few days and headed out on a beautiful sunny day for parts unknown. We just knew we wanted to be in warmer weather.
We drove to West Memphis, AR and stayed in the rest area.
We decided in the AM to try the River View Park in Vidalia. LA. here we are till we head home for Christmas.
It is a real nice campground. They have a pool and a hot tub, but not being a polar bear I won't be going swimming. We are right on the Mississippi River. The barges goes up and down the river 24 - 7. This AM we had a real treat the American Paddlewheel went north playing the caliope too.
It was really neat.
Our son-in-law Mark had hip surgery this week and is doing well as can be expected. Leesa is getting stronger every day and she has promised to not over do.
I'm working on the two new great grandchildren's Christmas stockings. Lowell is doing odd things that have needed to be done and didn't feel like doing. So you can see we are acting like 2 retired people and loving it.
We tried to take a picture of the paddlewheel so if it is here it worked and if you didn't it didn't.
Till next time Roaminjs

Sunday, November 18, 2007


We left Amana RV Camp in IA this AM. When we arose we found ice and rain. So we thought we had better head further south.
We weren't ready to go because we left our youngest daughter sick in the hospital. It was so hard to leave her, but we are trying to get the motorhome where it is warm and we will drive back if we need to.
We have arrived in MO tonight and will see Lowell's brother and family tomorrow. They have warm weather scheduled for 2 days then they have bad weather coming in too. We should have started in October but that wasn't possible.
If we don't have the chance to talk to you befor Thanksgiving have a wonderful day. We are so thankful for everything even the bad things that happen to us and our families.


Saturday, November 17, 2007

This is Bob & Leesa's neighbor horse.
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Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Finally started our adventure

We left for Iowa on Monday, November 12. The first three hours was rain. Indianapolis was an ordeal. Stayed at a rest area near Lebanon, IN. Arrived at Amana Colonies RV Park Tuesday afternoon. Set us camp then went to daughter's home in Marion.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

tues sept 25

Well we still haven't left . We are shooting for Nov.