Thursday, October 28, 2010


Our niece and nephew Nick and Dalleen stopped by to tell us goodby. Then Wednesday morning we had a wonderful surprise Ersta and Dolly stopped in for a final goodby. So good to see them but she won't ever let me take a picture of her.

Then Wednesday at noon Lowell's sisters and brothers in laws came up for lunch and everybody brought to much food, but we had a wonderful time. Dumb me forgot to take a picture of them. I was mad at myself. But oh well nobody's perfect. We then traveled to Bowling Green for breakfast on Saturday morning to see Abby and Billy and tell them goodby. We got the updates on their new jobs and sounds like they are doing great. We just need for their home to sell in NC. They don't want their pictures on our blog.
Bob, Rob and AJ were fishing in our pond and all I can say is it's a good thing we didn't plan on fish for supper.
Great Grandpa and AJ went over and played on the swings.
Cory was tired he had stayed with his friend the night before so he stayed in the house with the women. After supper all the boys were playing ball. The ball rolled to the car AJ stopped quick and said "WOW" a robot car. Grandpa had the car hooked up.
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