Thursday, October 28, 2010


This is our goodby to Ohio till next spring. We love you all, take care of each other.
Dad, Mom, Grandpa, Grandma, Great Grandpa and Great Grandma.

On the way to Iowa we stopped at a rest area and found this kettle. Salt springs were discovered near this spot on October 31 1819 by Joseph Barron and party, here Seymour Treat brought his family here Novemeber 27 1819 and became first settlers in Vermillon County Illinois. Can you imagine being the only family in a whole county. I'll bet they didn't make it home for Christmas either. I'm sure they were thankul to be alive at Christmas. This kettle was used in the salt works which were profitablt operated bt Major Vance from 1824 to 1831.
We saw some beautiful foliage on our way to Iowa and had some rain too. But all in all we had a wonderful trip.
If you haven't got time to do a job right, when will you have time to do it again? Think about it!
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Our niece and nephew Nick and Dalleen stopped by to tell us goodby. Then Wednesday morning we had a wonderful surprise Ersta and Dolly stopped in for a final goodby. So good to see them but she won't ever let me take a picture of her.

Then Wednesday at noon Lowell's sisters and brothers in laws came up for lunch and everybody brought to much food, but we had a wonderful time. Dumb me forgot to take a picture of them. I was mad at myself. But oh well nobody's perfect. We then traveled to Bowling Green for breakfast on Saturday morning to see Abby and Billy and tell them goodby. We got the updates on their new jobs and sounds like they are doing great. We just need for their home to sell in NC. They don't want their pictures on our blog.
Bob, Rob and AJ were fishing in our pond and all I can say is it's a good thing we didn't plan on fish for supper.
Great Grandpa and AJ went over and played on the swings.
Cory was tired he had stayed with his friend the night before so he stayed in the house with the women. After supper all the boys were playing ball. The ball rolled to the car AJ stopped quick and said "WOW" a robot car. Grandpa had the car hooked up.
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Sunday, October 17, 2010


This is my grandpa Copsey Pudd, Pat, Rowena. Next row Peach, Jon, Marjorie and Jeannie has the ball in front of her face. Was probably the only time she got the ball that afternoon and she wanted to hang onto it.

This is my great grandpa Copseys family. Fron row was Aunt Vinie, Uncle Raymond, Grandpa & Grandma holding Nellie, then my grandpa and grandma. Back row was Uncle Harper, Uncle Clayton and Aunt Inez.

The cousins are going to try and get together in the spring when we get back from Tx.
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This is Pudd my oldest cousin on my Mom's side. We went to Xenia at Bob Evans, ate lunch then went to Spring Valley at Pudd and Ray's house and visited. Jon is on the otherside of Pudd.

This is my sister and Jeanie Jon's little sister (looks just like her Mom.
Yours truly there was just 5 cousins there. The Copsey cousins Terry, Randy and Sally couldn't make it their Mother is in the hospital and not too good.
This is my grandma Copsey's wedding band.
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This was our very gracious cook that fixed Grandpa's birthday supper. It was so good! Houses' couldn't come on Sunday night but we got together anyhow.

Forgot to tell you that Molly fixed us a great meal too.

Then Ersta and Mark had us for supper on Tuesday night and we had that Lake Erie Perch and homemade french fries. We have a great bunch of cooks. So proud of our family.

We were supposed to see Amy but she took off for Colorado, so we didn't get to tell her goodby.
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The cutest first grader out there getting off the bus.

Well Great Grandpa I think you are going to have help again.
Now it is Morgan's turn to help Grandpa. She is one sweet and adorable little girl. She had a tea party for us. Nothing like a good cup of water after a delicious meal.

Wyatt is taking a picture of Grandpa's pumpkin patch cake. Wyatt taught me how to play poker and that wasn't easy. Lyns said I could turn Grandpa's candles around in 10 years. I said I'd never be able to find them.
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Another party attendee AJ & Ashley's Daddy, better known as Tony Boy to Grandma.

Little Cory 6ft 2" and a Sophmore.

Another handsome guy in my life. We sure enjoyed him this summer. We enjoyed all the kids but there is something about 3 year olds. Poor Bob and Dee they did all the work and no picture, sorry kids. Appreciated the party and will miss all you Bissetts very much.
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Amanda waiting her turn to blow out the candles.

Ashley finally got to blow out the much used candles.
Rob and Donna, father of silly Amanda in Peaches cage.
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The horses in Matt & Mollys back yard.
Now I ask Rob who's silly kid is this? Amanda you are something else.
Do you think Great Grandpa is going to have help to blow out his candles?
This was at Dee and Bob's for birthday celebrations and a farewell party for us.
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Our youngest Grandaughter and her husband.

Glacier and Charley the cat, Lilly hides all the time so no way we can get a picture.
Here's my Lucy dog, she emembers me and always brings me something. Lucy and I have a lot in common, both have grey hair.
Here they are again in their beautiful home.
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We found another marker for our little friend Annie Oakley and this about says it all.

From the marker we headed to my only cousin on my Dad's side that we are able to viist with. Betty has a younger brother in Florida and we don't know where Aunt Clara's kids are. This is Betty's mother, Aunt Wanda my only Aunt on my Dad's side.

Lord willing we'll see each other in the spring. Betty and I our a month apart, I'm the oldest.
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Saturday, October 2, 2010


We do have beautiful sunsets here don't you think? We have had a busy week and trying to decide when we need to leave for Iowa. We have a lot to get finished up before we leave. But as of now guess it will be the 18th.

There were 2 bus loads of school kids here in the morning and 2 later on. I guess it was a catch and release. Well we are still waiting for our invitation to the fish fry.
I hope there is some fish left for you Bob. You'll have to come over and try. They sure had a good time.
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