Sunday, July 18, 2010

Farm Tractors of the Past

We will take you on a quick tour of the past and it won't cost you a dime and you'll be cool too, unless your air isn't on.
This was a balance wagon. They would drive their tractors of all kinds on here and try to balance the wagon. We could see this from the motor home and we enjoyed watching the kids bring their garden tractors on it. They got points for how many trys it took them. They would look for a spot on the wagon to know where to stop.

These are big oil well drilling pumps. Lowell said they used them for other things too but I don't know what. Lowell said they used them for pumping water and running grainerys too.
Somebody took big plastic drums and made seats in them. They hauled kids around thru the fairgrounds. I would have ridden on them but they had a weight limit. Story of my life always over weight.
They really had good weather for the show except it was extremely hot.
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