Sunday, July 18, 2010

Farm Show of the Past

These are ponys, I don't think God created them to pull.

We went to the horse pull contest and we enjoyed it.
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Farm Show of the Past

1985 fire engine or pumper whatever you want to call it.
This picture went with the coke demonstration, sorry.Double

Double click on this and you can see what the above engine did.
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Farm Show of the Past

Like I said Lowell enjoyed the antique tractor pull and we got in free too.
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Farm Show of the Past

Lowell went to the antique tractor pull contest, like I said he enjoyed the show, by the way we did get in free.
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Farm Show of the Past

Lowell loved these old trucks. Thisd is a Model T T 1925

Model T T 1925 or 1927

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Farm Tractors of the past

Another load of kids that I was jealous of.
Why a John Deere Tractor on Coke Bottles? Due to a competitor a 2 cylinder engine would have a short service life caused by vibration, John Deere decided to let the consumer decide how much vibration existed. The John Deere Company ran a John Deere on pop bottles at Dairy Cattle Congress, Waterloo, Iowa, October 3 1929. They also did this at several state and county fairs. To his knowledge the nickels balanced on the head, on the radiator cap are ideas from John Deere enthusiasts wanting to add additional challenges.
His demonstrtion is because of a gentleman doing the pop bottle and nickel balancing at the Portland Indian Show for the past several years. He learned he had to use antique coke bottles because their weight and strength is about double the current bottles. He has several people acuse him of poluting the air more running the tractor on coke. Didn't you think that's what he was doing? Lowell thought that was terrible, please don't tell him that's what I thought.

Did you know this was a corn shredder, I did. This machine started our week off wrong. I told the guy not to park that dirty machine in front of our home. He said you will move before we start shredding on Thursday and I said NO we paid for the whole month. Well the secretary's office forgot to tell us the farm show rented the whole fairground. They squeezed us in a tight place we didn't like but we lived thru the farm show. We have a new spot since Annie Oakley Festival is starting this Friday night. but we won't have to move now.
But the farm show wasn't all bad, Lowell really enjoyed it and I got to eat our favorite Kiwani's sausage sandwiches. I didn't argue because I worked Thursday and Friday. Guess what my sausage sandwiches will be here for the festival too, Yeah!!
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Farm Tractors of the Past

We will take you on a quick tour of the past and it won't cost you a dime and you'll be cool too, unless your air isn't on.
This was a balance wagon. They would drive their tractors of all kinds on here and try to balance the wagon. We could see this from the motor home and we enjoyed watching the kids bring their garden tractors on it. They got points for how many trys it took them. They would look for a spot on the wagon to know where to stop.

These are big oil well drilling pumps. Lowell said they used them for other things too but I don't know what. Lowell said they used them for pumping water and running grainerys too.
Somebody took big plastic drums and made seats in them. They hauled kids around thru the fairgrounds. I would have ridden on them but they had a weight limit. Story of my life always over weight.
They really had good weather for the show except it was extremely hot.
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Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The last of the celebration

Peaches is really growing and getting more red too.

These are before and after pictures of the store, can't wait till they get it painted. We won't be painting the stone on the front.

This is just one of our many beautiful sunsets. Sunday we went to church and on to Tim & Carol's for a cookout. They had invited all of Lowell's side of the house. Not many showed up just too much else going on I guess. We had a geat time with all the family.
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Rest of the 3rd.

You talk about a tired hostess, she understands why Dad and I don't entertain like this anymore.

Miss Morgy and her daddy, I called her Betsy Ross.

How innocent? Her hair is curly.
I slipped a picture of Amanda she didn't get to pose. Really Grampa, Donna, Bob, Cory and Ashley were there but not in the limelight. Sorry guys.
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This game was something new for him, but he played it.

Swimming does wear one out.

Wyatt and his Momma.
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