Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Well we had a very hot week, but a sad one. Lowell's brother-in-law passed away on Thursday. He had been sick for a long time and been in the hospital in Columbus for I think 80 days. No matter how much they are suffering the family stills hate to say Goodby. The good news is that we don't really have to say goodby, we should say see you later. We are so thankful Bill accepted the Lord and we will see him in heaven.

I worked 3 days again and it really wears me out. Having a helper that loves me is such a blessing. He does the dishes, runs the sweeper and helps fix supper. Couldn't do it without him. You thought I had a maid didn't you?

Then we had company for supper on Saturday night. I know one thing I understand why my Mother used to say I just can't handle having people for a meal. I thought she didn't want us, but I know better now!

Sunday my cousin on my Dad's side we all went to Sidney and had lunch with my only sister and her husband. There sure isn't many of us left. Guess old age is hard on us.

Lord willing we'll see you next week.

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