Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Well we had a very hot week, but a sad one. Lowell's brother-in-law passed away on Thursday. He had been sick for a long time and been in the hospital in Columbus for I think 80 days. No matter how much they are suffering the family stills hate to say Goodby. The good news is that we don't really have to say goodby, we should say see you later. We are so thankful Bill accepted the Lord and we will see him in heaven.

I worked 3 days again and it really wears me out. Having a helper that loves me is such a blessing. He does the dishes, runs the sweeper and helps fix supper. Couldn't do it without him. You thought I had a maid didn't you?

Then we had company for supper on Saturday night. I know one thing I understand why my Mother used to say I just can't handle having people for a meal. I thought she didn't want us, but I know better now!

Sunday my cousin on my Dad's side we all went to Sidney and had lunch with my only sister and her husband. There sure isn't many of us left. Guess old age is hard on us.

Lord willing we'll see you next week.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Father's Day

You talk about trophys they had aa bunch.

57 Chevy Erstie

Any body know what this little beauty is? We can't remember.

Robin egg blue 50 DeSoto. Look at the million dollar chrome grill. It was another winner in my book.
Then we bought a Texas Tenderloin and some great fries and headed back to our home.

We went to Dee's for a wonderful fish fry of Croppies and Blue gill it was better than lobster and I love lobster. Can you believe no pictures of great grandkids. We thought you needed a break.

Hope all you Dads had a wonderful day.
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Father's Day

Yesterday was Father's Day and they had a car show here in the fairgrounds. Lowell got to go for a change. We've been here 3 years they always had one but we always had plans.
Fancy volkswagon gussied up.

This motorcycle came from Utah. My kind of motorcycle inside out of the rain.

How about this 35 Ford all original. If I were the judge he would have gotten a big trophy. He is sharp.
31 Chevy, this car is one year older than us. It sure is in better shape. Maybe I need more paint. Another winner in our book. It was really hot, so we didn't stick around to see who won.
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Last Sunday

This is Lucy's new step brother or 1/2 brother. I really don't know what he is for sure. He is part husky and part lab with blue eyes. His name is Glacier. He has different eyes they are blue and they look more like human than dogs. Sorry Glacier but Lucy is still my favorite.. Any how we had a good time visiting with Matt and Molly. We got to see their new furniture too. Real pretty.

Tuesday evening Marj and Doug came over and we went out to dinner with them, had a delicious dinner and a wonderful time. It is nice to spend time with Lowell's niece and nephew.
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Sunday, June 13, 2010


The Bride and Groom . The celebration of 60 years of family love is about to begin. We always wanted to celebrate 50 years and now everything else is all bonus. Our next goal is 75 we always heard it is healthy to have a goal in life. By the Grace of God we will cherish each day we have with our wonderful family. We love you all. We thank Leesa and Dee for wanting to do this for us. To all who helped make it wonderful and to the ones that couldn't come but sent us beautiful cards.

Workers before the party.

Our beautiful cake Dee and Leesa had for us.
Tues evening Amy, Leesa & Bob came in from Iowa to start celebrating. Amy's from Dayton.
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The guy with the rose is the groom of 60 years, the other Lowell is the only living man from our wedding party.

The young lady with the walker was the matron of honor my sister. The other young lady was one of the bridesmaids. Lowell's oldest sister.

More wonderful people that came to share our celebration.
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I hope there isn't any money on the table for this game. I know Aj thinks Wyatt is doing it wrong.

Pool player, swimmer you name it, he's the life of the party

So shy but so sweet, there was just too many people for her.
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With it being so hot and muggy the pool was the biggest attraction. These two litttle ones are the youngest great grand kids. The other little ones that had to leave sooner they did not want to get out of the pool. Then Rob left his yellow lab out she loves the pool and climbs out the pool up the ladder.
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Our favorite youngest grandaughter and our favorite oldest grandson.
Great niece and her family.
Dad and son competeing against the youngest favorite grandson and his uncle. I don't know who won the cornhole game.

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This was our special wedding cake that was made for us with love from a dear friend. It was a replica of our original wedding cake. It was not only beautiful but very delicious. How can we ever thank you Paula and Gary. Then they made us oval shaped mints that said Celebrating Love on them.

Our daughters Dee and Leesa and their familys gave us a great day to remeber. Rob our Grandson that is buying the house had the party at their home. That was nice to be back home with a lot of the family. Dad and I did absolutely nothing but just showed up and enjoyed everyone that came to share our celebration. It was hot and muggy but a good time by all.
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VBS Sunday

Aj just turned 3 June 4th since his Mommy was teaching in Bible School he was able to attend. He loved it, but was ready for a nap. They had an average of 105 kids every day.

Ashley accepted the Lord this week. What a blessing for Grampa and I to hear this week.
Ashley is right in the middle and Aj's big sister.
Amanda (the tallest girl) is wanting to be baptized. So we have really been blessed this week. There is nothing greater than to see your great grandchildren do this. It was a great Bible school.
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School Memories

School memories, this is what is left of our school where our 3 daughters attended. All 13 years for them. Our grandchildren too graduated from here. Now Ashley our great grandaughter is attending. It is not just the increase in taxes, that nobody needs right now, but it is wasteful we think. It is a sin, where they going to put all this rubble? No I am not a green person either, but to us old people it was sad.

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