Sunday, April 25, 2010


Before heading to Ohio we decided to head to Topeka Indiana. We have been unhappy with our recliners, because they are not wall huggers and we can not totally recline. We saw this place advertised, so decided to look them up. We tried to get there before they closed but didn't make it. This is where we slept by this beautiful field of heifers.
We found a loveseat with wallhugger recliners and decided to buy ourselves a nice piece of furniture for our 60th wedding anniversary.
They went to work at 5:00 AM and neeedless to see from the storefront they didn't wake us up with their transportation. A very nice family and employees. They took our recliners out put them in the back of the car and put our new furniture in and then we headed for Ohio.
We made it to Greenville Ohio that afternoon, got set up and really tired. Dee called and said they were coming over and taking us out for supper. Guess what we didn't even argue.

Can't wait to see everybody!
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Bob hung his new hummingbird feeder, it is a beauty sure hope the humming birds find it. They tried to eat the lighthouse Dee made Leesa for Christmas last year so they are hoping this year they come back and eat. Did you know a hummer can fly 500 hundred miles without eating, just thought I'd throw that in.
We just took it easy making rhubarb strawberry pie which Heather loved. Heather and I played some peanut and she was the champ.
Bob and Dad went out and Bob bought a new grill so he enjoyed using it and we enjoyed eating. Bob refinished their Westfall sign and we brought them a holder so they got it put up too.
We went out to look at the new church, Bob sent us a picture but I didn't get it transferred over to Picasa. Sorry Bob but you still can't tell it's a church.
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We had another great trip going to Iowa the only problem was diesel fuel going up in price. The wild turkeys were waiting on us at Squaw Creek, no not Bob and Leesa. They are in Alburnett. Leesa was not the greatest when we got there but she was better when we left. You know the old saying some people bring joy by coming and others by leaving!!
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Strafford MO

First I want to thank Molly for pointing out the picture of the baby dolphin swimming along her momma in front of the ship. You have to double click on the dolphin picture to see her.

We had rain the first day out after leaving Texas, got our motor home dirty but oh the bugs that hitched a ride with us. Well it sure was their last trip, that was the only good thing.
The rest of the trip was uneventful, just had beautiful scenery all the way. The dogwood and redbuds were so beautiful all the way to MO.

Then when we got to Strafford MO we had beautiful trees in our back yard. Lowell's brother was really good for just having several teeth pulled. Mike had the teeth put in right away. We joked about who's day it was to wear the teeth so in this picture it was Mike's.
Saw Joe, Susan and the kids on Saturday. They were doing good too growing up too fast, not Joe and Susan. So all in all we had a great time we were all on a soft food diet. They didn't think we stayed long enough, but we told them we were like fish after 3 days we start to smell. Carol's wonderful neighbor gave us rhubarb. Did you get that pie Mike?
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Thursday, April 15, 2010


Enlarge this picture and you can see Dad finally got a dolphin. They swim so close to the ships in the channel you'd think they will get run over. So hard to get a picture but he finally made it.

Like we said we want to go home but we have had a lot of good times with friends. This is Jack and Joan, forget the other couple with them.

You have heard me talk about Marrissa well here she is. Just can't help but love her.

Lord willing Texas we'll see you Dec 1st.
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The seaweed washed up on the beach. All along the beach where we were driving, piled high.
Now this is celebrating! Between the wildflowers and ice cream doesn't take much to keep me happy. I have the best of everything.
This is why you don't feed the sea gulls.
This odd ship went through the channel in front of us when we were crossing the ferry.
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You'll have to enlarge this picture but Dad picked me a couple of wildflowers and brought them home from his morning walk.

We got a big surprise 2 days before leaving Texas. Flat Ashley arrived from Ohio in the mail. We were so happy to see her and have her come for a short visit. She spent the night with us, we had lasagna for supper and she really ate she was starved from that three day trip. I took her to Pokeno with me and all our friends thought she was cute. The time went so fast while she was here. Wish she could have stayed longer, but it was fun for us to have a visitor and such a cute one too.
We decided to take one last peek at the ocean before leaving. It was very rough as you can see, but sad too. We want to go home but it is still sad, but Lord willing we will be back in Dec.
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Monday, April 5, 2010


Here's the pelican.

We were really close to this ship standing on the fishing pier.

This is the picture of the fishing pier from the ferry.
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Just wanted you girls to know there are other things to look at besides girls on the beach.

Dad could have spit on this pelican.
This is the biggest ship we have ever seen. We figured he repairs oil rigs from all the equipment. If you look at the front you'll see a helicopter pad too. We figured when they need parts they fly them out and land right there.
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Sunday, April 4, 2010

Packing up to move out

Still having trouble with Picasa, no pictures yet, maybe next week, or maybe never. I am not a change person and you guessed it dear old Picasa changed my simple routine that I loved because it was easy. I don't know if I'll ever get it right. Anybody that knows me very well knows I don't handle change easy.

We are trying to get the last minute things done. When you haven't moved for 4 months there are a lot of changes that need to be made. Everything has to have skid proof stuff under them, so you try to clean everything when you do this. Everybody wants to get in that last card game with you, Dad has so much trouble with that. He has read all the books in the library so it must be time to move on.

There are no more potlucks in the clubhouse since April 1st. We had 27 RV'ers move out on the first. So we had a nice quiet Easter. Went to church and told the Pastor good bye. Came home and went to Wal mart for last minute things fixed a couple of steaks I found in the deep freeze, baked 2 potatoes and had a big bowl of strawberries, they were delicious.

We went out to lunch yesterday with a couple from Michigan and they left this morning.

Our refrig is having brain trouble it is not keeping up like it should so we are praying they can get it fixed tomorrow. It is one of our necessities in life, ya know what I mean.

I'm not saying this is the last time I blog from Texas until that refrig gets fixed. But we are sure praying hard.

So Missouri next, we'll see.