Sunday, February 21, 2010


Well another week has gone by, do you believe .
Before I forget Dad and I won a prize at the Valentine dinner last Sunday. We are married the longest of any couple there and received a heart shape box of candy. Then the next day in the mail we received a 1 1/2 box of Esther Price candy from back home. Boy has it been hard on our waistline. Then this Friday I made Dad a homemade cherry pie. Even if I walked 24 - 7 it wouldn't make any difference.

Went to Corpus Christi for Dad's Dr's appointment and you'll see those pictures on another page. He got a good report again Praise the Lord. Went to the Big Fisherman with another couple on Tuesday. Played cards and walked and just did the usual, cooking, laundry and not much cleaning.
This is a turkey vulture in the above pictures. Not too pretty of a bird is he?
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