Sunday, February 28, 2010

Trouble with Picasa

Well what a way to start out. Picasa changed their method of putting our pictures on and I deleted the pictures I had to show you. Now I've got to learn to do this all over again. Frustrating to say the least.

What I was going to show you were pictures of our jam session. Every Saturday night a group of musicians from our park and town get together here and play country western and old songs. The guy on the keyboard Vern is great and I requested 12th Street Rag and it was wonderful. The guy from Aransas Pass Bunky plays the drums and sings and he must know 1500 songs and so does Vern. They play for 2 1/2 hours and they could go on forever. We really enjoy it. We have metal chairs so I bought 2 big old pillows at the thrift store so our butts don't get so tired.

We have an ice cream social tonight and I made Dad a cocoanut cake. Hope it is good. Hope they eat it all cause we don't need it.

Played cards this week and Dad read. Found a Catholic church that had a fish fry it was OK but not like home.

Some of our friends have already headed out working their way North very slowly.

Guess that's about all that's going on here.

You guys take care and get rid of your horrible weather. Our weather is better but still not as warm as we want it.

Read a church sign this week. "PRAYER THE BEST WIRELESS CONNECTION" Amen to that.

Sunday, February 21, 2010


We drove from one end of Ocean Boulevard to the other. Expensive homes along there are unbelievable. Can't imagine the price.
At the end of it is a huge Coast Guard Naval Base, course that was the end for us.
Had a high of 75 today and the rain stopped so they were able to have the Sock Hop. Dad wouldn't go but set here and watched from the motor home.

Until next week "That's all Folks"
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This is along Ocean Shore Boulevard in Corpus Christi. Very cloudy that day. But the Gulf is beautiful rain or shine.
We went to the jam session last night in the clubhouse country western and it was really good. Vern on the keyboard is really good. I play cards with his wife Dee almost every day.
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Well another week has gone by, do you believe .
Before I forget Dad and I won a prize at the Valentine dinner last Sunday. We are married the longest of any couple there and received a heart shape box of candy. Then the next day in the mail we received a 1 1/2 box of Esther Price candy from back home. Boy has it been hard on our waistline. Then this Friday I made Dad a homemade cherry pie. Even if I walked 24 - 7 it wouldn't make any difference.

Went to Corpus Christi for Dad's Dr's appointment and you'll see those pictures on another page. He got a good report again Praise the Lord. Went to the Big Fisherman with another couple on Tuesday. Played cards and walked and just did the usual, cooking, laundry and not much cleaning.
This is a turkey vulture in the above pictures. Not too pretty of a bird is he?
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Sunday, February 14, 2010


HAPPY VALENTINE 's DAY to all our loved ones. Isn't it wonderful to be loved. The most important love of all is GOD'S love and if we love God then we know how to love others. We are so blessed and have so many people that loves us. Just think Dad and I have loved each other for 60 some years.

It's time for your history lesson.
In the middle ages, people believed that the first unmarried person of the opposite sex you met on the morning of St Valentines Day would become your spouse.
About 1 billion Valentine cards are exchanged each year. That's the largest card sending occasion next to Christmas.
In 1866, candy manufacturer Necco made the first "Conversation Hearts"-then called "Motto Hearts".
In Greek history Cupid was known as Eros. the son of Aphrodite. the goddess of love and beauty.
The Italian city of Verona. where Shakespeare's lovers Romeo and Juliet lived, receives about 1,000 letters every year sent to Juliet on Valentine's Day.
The Celtic love knot symbolizes a love that has no beginning and no end.
The next time you play Trivia this may help.

We have a carry in dinner tonight at the clubhouse so we are postponing our dinner till another day.
Dad is feeling good and so am I, maybe it is because the sun is shining and the thermometer is going up.
Didn't do anything this week so I cooked and played cards. Cory you sure missed your favorite meal, Grandpa said if Cory was here we wouldn't have any leftovers.
We received a care package of Valentine Cookies they are delicious, thanks Ersta and Mark.
Miss all of our loved ones - take care in all that snow.

Thought for the day "Don't argue with an idiot; people may not be able to tell the difference".

Sunday, February 7, 2010


Isn't he cute, some things never change.
I'm sure you are wondering what the monkey is and where has it gone. The taxes are in the mail for the accountant. Praise The Lord. We didn't have any partys this week so not much going on. They are having a super bowl party with finger foods but we didn't go. We had rain for 4 days but the last two days have been sunshine.
We went to the beach today as you can see. The biggest ship went thru the channel before we got there. Saw the back end but couldn't get a picture. They got a bunch of new guys working on the ferries so we had to wait to get on. Glad it wasn't a busy day like last year, we would still be waiting.
Enjoy your bad weather whereever you are.
Love you and miss you.
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