Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Leaving Texas

Even the sand castles were smaller this year.

The shrimp boat didn't have many birds following it and that is a bad sign No Shrimp.

I tried to do the blog last week after we left on the first, but it wouldn't even cooperate. I thought I had lost all my set up. So today I thought I'd try and it worked "Go figure it is a computer".

We left at 8:30 on the first and drove to Waco to the Flying J and dry camped. If you do not know what dry camp means that is no electric or water or sewer hookups. But we have all the essentials so no problem. What it really means is it is free camping. We buy fuel so stay for free.

The next night we stayed in Wagoner OK at a Walmart, you guessed it another free night. We always spend money in there.

The next day we drove to Strafford Mo to a campground where we always stay. We paid for a week, we get one night free, buy 6 get one free.
Saturday we had supper with Mike and Carol and their families. Robin was down from Kansas City with her kids. Joe and Susan just live on up the road from Mikes so we always get the pleasure of seeing them and their kids.
Mike is not a bit good so we only go into Marshfield every other day. He had Dr appointments and that is a real chore for him and Carol both.
We will be heading for Leesa's and Bob's home on Friday the Lord willing. Praying for warmer weather. This weather is not cooperating very good.

Thought for the day" It is not the time of your life you are in, but your attitude and who you are walking with".
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