Tuesday, November 25, 2008


This is our side of the International Bridge.
The Rio Grande River
The view at the end of the bridge.

One old shopper looking for vanilla. There are at least 500 dentists in a 6 block area and 6 blocks up the other sides. You can't hardly walk for all the PUSHY vendors. You can't stop to look at anything or they are pressuring you. It is not my type of shopping or Dad's (HA HA). Most of it is jewelry, boots, pharmacy and almost forgot beauty salons. People begging, on the bridge they can't be but they would reach their arm thru with a cap in their hand and asking for money. Young mothers carrying a small baby selling junk. It's a real heartbreaker. We bought a little bag of coated pecans and thought we better eat them all, in case we couldn't take them back across.
The best 30 cents we spent was to get back in our wonderful USA.
This was a good time to go at Thanksgiving, boy do we have so much to be thankful for. If we didn't have anything it's still more than we deserve. There but by the grace of God go I. You have a wonderful Thanksgiving too.
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