Tuesday, November 25, 2008


This is our side of the International Bridge.
The Rio Grande River
The view at the end of the bridge.

One old shopper looking for vanilla. There are at least 500 dentists in a 6 block area and 6 blocks up the other sides. You can't hardly walk for all the PUSHY vendors. You can't stop to look at anything or they are pressuring you. It is not my type of shopping or Dad's (HA HA). Most of it is jewelry, boots, pharmacy and almost forgot beauty salons. People begging, on the bridge they can't be but they would reach their arm thru with a cap in their hand and asking for money. Young mothers carrying a small baby selling junk. It's a real heartbreaker. We bought a little bag of coated pecans and thought we better eat them all, in case we couldn't take them back across.
The best 30 cents we spent was to get back in our wonderful USA.
This was a good time to go at Thanksgiving, boy do we have so much to be thankful for. If we didn't have anything it's still more than we deserve. There but by the grace of God go I. You have a wonderful Thanksgiving too.
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On the way to Mexico

Close up of the sugar cane

We stopped for this historical marker, it explains all the history around there but no cemetery.
Parking lot at bridge.
We walked across the bridge. Cost a quarter to go into Mexico. They greet us with a tank and machine guns kinda spooky. We were not allowed to take pictures of them.
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Egbert Orchard at Alamo TX

This is the drive thru to the office of the orchard.

Loved this sign, guess it needs no explanation.
Fields of sugar cane along the military highway. We took this highway to Mexico.
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Pharr TX

This short tree is the orange tree that we have been eating oranges from everyday.
This one is the ruby red grapefruit tree. They are delicious and free. The trees are the property of Holliday Village where we are staying.

There is nothing like tree ripened fruit.

We found an orchard in Alamo TX. I am not a lover of tangerines but they have some good ones.
They have 2 parrots in cages and a lot of dogs. The dogs look mean, I told Dad to get out and if they don't bite him then I'll get out. They didn't bite him. It was beautiful there.

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Port Isabel and South Padre Island

A view from the bridge going back towards Pharr.

More of Port Isabel.

Light house on Port Isabel. There are not as many condos on Isabel as there is on South Padre.
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South Padre Island

This is the bridge between Port Isabel and South Padre Island.

This is the rest of the bridge.

Another view of South Padre Island with the tide out. Restruants, shops and just more places to spend money. They have a parade at Christmas but it is with boats.

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South Padre Island

We took a day trip to South Padre Island and took a few pictures and got a coupon book good for a free DQ ice cream cone.
We were crossing the bridge between Port Isabel and South Padre Island.

A skyline view of South Padre Island. It's very pretty area and everything is expensive.
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Monday, November 17, 2008

Rest Areas

We thought this was a pretty motor home in the rest are.
As you can see the other rest area, the fancy one are few and far between.
This is where the big spender and I stopped for lunch. Believe me there are ten times more of these.
We are in Pharr TX now not sure of what we will find or how long we will stay here but at least till after Thanksgiving.
"We invite defeat when we remember what we should forget"
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Rest Area

I thought this was some good information about the fancy rest areas in Texas.
Click on these so you can read them if you like. We thought it was interesting,
We didn't remeber this terrible tornado.
These were not the birds in the rest area.
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Missouri kids and the birds

Caroline and Grampa playing Old Maid. You're right Grampa lost. Helped to keep the kids occupied a little, while Mommy is trying to recuperate, from hip replacement.

I guess all the Missouri kids are really cute. Brendan is eating his fourth piece of lemon cake.

You have heard of the swallows coming back to Capastrano, well this is just the black birds coming to the rest area where we stayed all night.
They were gone the next morning. We dry camped for 3 nights on the way to Pharr TX. This makes me thankful that the motor home seems so big when we get full hookups. It's getting warmer and warmer.
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Monday, November 3, 2008


These are some of the beautiful sunsets that Bob and Leesa have to enjoy from their sunroom.

You talk about an Awesome God, we sure have one!
This is Bob's Ohio state little guy and I understand some weekends he even cries on the front porch. Sorry kids I forgot to take your pictures.
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