Monday, February 25, 2008

Sunday afternoon at the beach

Is this a beach or what. You talk about beauty, it is just awesome! Those are granite chunks there too.
You turn around and there goes a ship we almost missed this one.

This ship looks like he is running over that black pickup.
Then back to the ferry and Whataburgers for supper, boy was it good and messy.

Thought for the day "To guide your children on the right way, you must go that way yourself".
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Sunday afternoon on the beach

How about this sand sculptor? I'm sure you know we didn't build it, you know who would have to get his hands dirty.
The water is so inviting but still a little chilly for me.
Another ship going through our channel and this guy kind of looks like you know who. But all he hooked was rocks!

I wish we could get a good picture of the pier but the walls is huge big chunks of granite, for miles.
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Sunday afternoon at the beach

If you don't like big ships then this blog is not for you.
You cannot imagine how close we are to these ships.
These ships are from different countries.
We think they are all oil tankers, but our gas prices still went up.
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Sunday afternoon at the beach

We are waiting on the ferry and here comes a big ship. To us down in our little car it looks like the ship is going through the field.
Can you imagine the big ships going through the channel that we and 2000 other cars on 4 ferry boats are trying to cross. So far no crashes.
Not only one ship but two ships going in different directions.

Another big ship, it was the day for ships.
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Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The last of the picture

Flight simulator, you had to be over 6 yrs old and so tall to ride. If you had back trouble or neck problems you couldn't ride. Needless to say I didn't get to go.
Model of the USS Lexington
Bush 41 spent 4 days on the Lexington after his second crash. They asked him what he rembered about the Lexinton and he said sack time. He was wore out by the time he got there.
This was very interesting to visit the USS Lexington, but I'm like Bush I could use some sack time. We were pooped.
This didn't come out to good but it is a picture of pumping oil from the tanks on to the tankers.
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More Museum

Vintage helicopter, sure don't look like the ones today.
Another view

Beach taken from the flight deck.

Another helicopter.
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More Museum

Anti-aircraft guns
I think this is the bridge. Where all the important stuff went on.

More vintage planes. The ladders going to the next level were steep and narrow. Of course if you went up you had to come down. We found an escalator going down, it didn't work but it was a lot easier to walk down at least for me.
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Still on the ship

A model of the USS South Dakota
This is where the gunner set. The seat is metal and small like a bicycle seat, and you look thru a gun sight.
This is the ship coming into the channel and going under the bridge we use to go into Corpus Christi. There were 3 little tugs keeping her in line.
Vintage plane on the flight deck. The whole ship is equivalent to 19 stories tall.
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More of the ship and museum

The brig, I can't imagine what he did to get in here?
Another ship coming into the channel where we are.
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USS Lexington and the museum

These are planes used in WWII
This tells you what she and her crew accomplished!
This is a WWII plane they pulled out of Lake Michigan and they are restoring it on board.
Instrument panel.
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These are pictures of the USS Lexington we took this before we boarded. This picture we took on the beach of Corpus Christi. The Blue Angel is at the entrance before we go up the big ramp.

This is the original bell.
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