Thursday, November 24, 2011


The doctor released me on Wednesday Nov 11 and Lowell got us ready to leave for Texas on the 13th. Amanda fixed us breakfast that morning sausage, eggs and french toast, so proud of her.
We headed for Iowa Lowell thought we could sneek in 2 days before the cold weather hit Iowa. We had the honor to see the new church it is fabulous. This is the worship center seats 1100. They are so thankful for what the Lord has done.
We stayed our 2 days and headed for Missouri to see Mike we had a real blessing we got to see all of his family. Then we stayed a few days and headed onto Aransas Pass Texas. We had a real good trip mighty tired but glad to be in Texas.
They had us come to Thanksgiving dinner even tho we were not signed up. Had a great time so good to see our friends here.
Looking forward to finishing healing and resting. Lowell has been through so much and taken such good care of me and still is.
So we cannot thank the Lord enough for all His blessings.
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The rest of the party

We went from the party to the hospital, I had major major surgery during the night (surprise I might add). This put a damper on our trip to Texas. I lived through it and we are so thankful. After 12 days in the hospital almost dying twice I was in no shape to do the blog. Ersta not only nursed me back to health but taught her Dad how to take care of me. Dee was the laundry woman and the kids all brought in meals so wonderful. Dolly wore a poodle skirt and AJ was an adorable dinosaur for halloween.
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Great Grampa and Cory and his new first car. He has already found out it is expensive to have a car. The next picture is Our middle daughter. She planned a surprise farewell party and her Dad's birthday party before we leave for Texas. The final picture is our kids that was there. We didn't dress for an outside party so we had to borrow some coats, she had a weiner roast and big pot of chili. All that could come had a wonderful time. Almost forgot we had roasted marshmallows too.
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Friday, November 18, 2011


Wyatt is a great soccer player, we managed to get to one of his soccer games. He has an excellent assistant coach you guessed it was his mother our grandaughter. I think this last picture looks like Wyatt's #1 cheerleader. It was a good game and we enjoyed it very much.
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