Sunday, June 19, 2011

Still celebrating

Marj and Doug, I think Marj is the oldest niece, sorry if I am wrong. They wanted the party to be elegant and elegant it was. They have a home full of antiques. They packed up all their goodies, all polished and beautiful with white tablecloths. It was beautiful. They and Tim and Carol really thru Aunt betty a beautiful party.
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Sorry this is the only way I can put any story on the blog. Guess it's better than nothing. Picture #1 You thought it was bad having one Carolyn Jess well guess what there is 3 of us. I kid you not. #2 The last of the Jess boys Mike came in so he could see everybody, the trip was hard on him as usual. #3 Now one of those Jess kids is celebrating 90 years. You figure it out. I call her the energizer bunny, she is something else. #4 The host and hostess, Joe and Sonny and Marj working away.
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Party Time in Ohio

Tony's pride and joy, the gold fish pond. He's going to put in another one too. They had the yard and flower beds looking beautiful. Morgan and Brooke are feeding the fish, this is always a special occasion. I'm having trouble the computer will only let me type at the bottom of the page. Don't believe this. The top picture is one tough Birthday Boy.
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Monday, June 13, 2011


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Sunday, June 12, 2011


These are the times we come home for. Our youngest great grandson's 4th birthday party. He had a wonderful time and we did too. Grandma Bissett made his cake and he loved it. He was so excited about his presents. Wyatt sure is a good helper for AJ. Great Grandma B had surgery this morning so she couldn't come to his party.
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