Monday, August 2, 2010

Lake Erie in August

This little cemetry plot has Mother and Father Lockwood buried here.

The lake was so calm and pretty but there was an awful lot of toxic algae growing in it. Guess it is getting to the danger point. These water lillies qre thriving on it. I though I had a picture real close up of the water lilly but don't have darn. They looked like they are a foot tall.
Finally caught up again. Guess I'll do what Lowell is doing and take a nap.
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August already

Our house guests, ready to spend the day at Cedar Point.
We saw the Glacier Grooves here at East Harbor state park. This was part of our trip to Lake Erie. Never knew this was here.

These are the grooves, this is unreal.
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The rest of last Sunday

Our family is full of champions.

AJ and his proud Daddy

Another champion I'll bet the P Hill library isn't the same.
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Summer Birthdays

Ashleys baseball trophy, she was one happy girl.

Cory's favorite pastime, but skinny as a rail.

Amanda took this picture too precious.

Amanda's favorite pastime too, but she's not as skinny as her brother. Dee and Bob throwed a great party as usual. When Amanda got finished Grandma wouldn't have had to washed it.
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Annie Oakley Days

The shooter and the story teller. They were both good. Annie would have been 150 years old. She had a rough life.

Annie and Frank Butler were very much in love, according to the tour guide they died within a short time of each one. Frank had Annie's ashes buried in his grave.

Modern Miss Annie Oakley she won her title by shooting too. They used BB's for their contest.
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Annie Oakley Days

These are the petting zoo, but they are all exotic animals. This is a shearless sheep he just sheds his wool.

How about a baby Kangaroo? This pouche it is in represents it's mother's pouch. It is so small he stays in there almost all the time.
I thought this one was a braham bull, but is a cow from India cakked a zeboo. The little kids sure enjoyed them.
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Annie Oakley Days

First things first, our high school class 60th reunion. There were 4 that couldn't make it. A good time was had by all. In our group there are 3 couples that have been married 60 years too.

This little Annie Oakley was shooting in Buffalo
Bill's show. They have Annie Oakley days every year at the Darke County fairgrounds.

We had a bank robbery, bounty hunter and off course a big shoot out.
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