Saturday, May 29, 2010

Jake's 1st Birthday

Here is the birthday boy Jake with his mommy Julie and daddy Paul. They came to Tipp City Ohio from New Jersey . We appreciate them coming so we could all attend for the big celebration. Uncle Cory and Great, Great grandpa are talking about computers because he is a geek and we are having problems. .
This is Grandma Bissett and Jake.

Of course Aunt Amanda and Grandpa Bissett (her Dad). This is the first I have been able to blog because of the computer crashing. So if I have mistakes (well more than usual) please forgive me.
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Tuesday, May 4, 2010


AJ must have gotten a home run, he just kept running anyhow. Then here is Miss Amanda posing as usual. Yes she is taller than me and thrilled to death, she doesn't realize that I'm shrinking.

We got quite a surprise when we got back to the fairground they raised our rent to the tune of 120.00 a month. We can get places cheaper but then we would have to drive 100 miles round trip back to the kids. Then Donna found another job which she needed for insurance so I will be helping Amber out in the store doing paper work. Oh well such is life in the big city.

We were good citizens we went to vote today. Another trip to P Hill.
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Then we all go to the back yard for a ball game. AJ got a hit, Ashley was on base and Dad was all smiles so guess she must have too. Miss Morgan was worried about her hair getting wet it was starting to sprinkle.
Don't know how U Rob got injured but Wyatt should pick on somebody his own size. Just got part of Cory's head on 2 pictures guess the photographer is slipping up.
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We've been here going on 2 weeks and couldn't do the blog because we couldn't get the pictures off. But here is the biggest portion of our crowd in Ohio.
We made it home in time to celebrate Rob's birthday. How can our kids and our grandkids be getting so old when we aren't. You know those great grandkids are so adorable and even they are growing up way to fast.
Uncle Rob was the center of attention since he had candles to blow out. These 2 sweetys had to blow out the candles too.
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