Saturday, March 7, 2009

The Beach

You know things were slow at the beach when all we had to take were the welfare pelicans. Do you know they can turn their heads clear around and tuck their bills under their wings. They slept in the sun.

We call them roses, I tried to find out what they are but they are pretty. This is our back fence and back yard. (Yard is probably what it is.) But we enjoy it.
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The Beach

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Corpus Christi

This is the sea wall and a walkway the city has put in for people to sit there, but it also serves a purpose during a storm.

A big ship in the bay waiting to come into port.

We are back at Conn Harbor where they work on boats. This is right here at Aransas Pass on the bay.
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Corpus Christi

We thought this was neat that there is a Federal United States Court House here.
Is this where they try you if you have IRS problems?
Tug boat pushing his barge thru the bay area.

Hope you can enlarge this and read the plaque. Tells how Corpus Christi gots it name.
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Corpus Christi

More skyline, I have to share how dumb I am, traveling along the highways you see signs that have CC this and CC that. I thought it can't all be country club. Well duh as Amanda says it means Corpus Christi.
Joe's has a giant restrauant in the Bay Yacht club area.
You can see the USS Lexington from here too. We took you there last year.
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Corpus Christi

Sorry we haven't kept up the blog better this winter(you might not call this winter but it is). This has been quite a different winter than we anticipated. This is one of our many trips to Corpus Christi for Lowell's medical problem. We would take the shortest route in and the beautiful route home.

Shoreline Drive is just breathtaking as you can see.
Bay Yacht Club seems to have mostly sail boats, but there are some other yachts too.
We were driving thru the yacht club and took this picture of Corpus skyline.
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This is Mark and Luella from Rhode Island. They spent a couple days here enjoying our beautiful weather. They are our first and only guests we have had. We really enjoyed our visit with them. They had such a busy schedule so we really felt flattered that they cared enough to stop and see us.
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