Monday, September 15, 2008

Little Ike

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Little Ike

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Little Ike

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Praise the Lord we survived Little IKE here at the fairgrounds. We don't know for sure how hard the wind blew, we heard anywhere from 50 to 75 miles per hour. We lost nothing but the electric and it was only off for about 6 hours. I am not going to comment about all the pictures, they say it all. We are parked 50 yards from where a big tree went down. Guess the Lord is not through with us yet! We are still Praising Him this morning, He is so faithful. We are so thankful. What is so wonderful if we would have lost everything we still would have praised Him. The race horse barns still don't have electric, guess we rate better than a horse. The one picture of Lowell we found a water leak, he thought maybe he could shut it off but it was broke off. The roof was just put on new 2 years ago at the grandstand, but 1/2 of it is gone now. The wind does not show partiality.

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Sunday, September 14, 2008

Finishing the party and back home

Busy, busy, busy. Love his outfits.

This is another family heard from. Amy come up with her new dog Onyx. Poor Pedro got bit the night before so he wasn't able to come.
He's doing alright now though. Had a good visit and sure thankful to get to see her. We tied Onyx to the tow bar and he chewed his leash into. Didn't let him in.
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Still at the party

We found the pirates. Valerie and Wes's nephews with the birthday boy.
Self explanatory, wouldn't you say. Mom did a good job.
Blowing out the candles and singing Happy Birthday.
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Our new home, Greenville OH

Was taking my morning stroll around the fair grounds and here is a hawk having his breakfast. Went back and got the camera and h posed on this electric box.

The happy couple going for a ride through the fair grounds. I holllered congratulations. We thought it was pretty.
Dig this hair ribbon all dressed up for big brothers 5th Birthday Party. Love her hair.

We were really careful and watched for the pirates. See those 5 fingers outstreched.
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Last Of Indian Lake

Still having fun in the sprinkler.
This is an armload and nobody is helping by holding on.

These two cuties got there late so they didn't get to go to the beach, but they got a boat ride.
Clothes all dried and now we are playing baseball.
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Fox Island

Future Olympic swimmers!

This is how some people get a tan!

Wyatt is washing off the sand but AJ is going swimming. He got soaked but had a ball doing it.
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A trip to Fox Island

Poor AJ he didn't get to go.

Another winner in the beauty contest, next age group.

Three generations of beauty winners, we won't discuss the age group!
Wyatt and Ashley heading out to get in trouble for going to far
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