Monday, April 7, 2008

A busy day at Uncle Mike"s & Aunt Carol's

Guess all these pictures are more for our family. As you can see we have Sophie, Sadie, Caroline, Mark, Sheafer, Susan, U Mike and A Carol. Then we have Red the big dog that Jessie U Mike's dog was afraid of. Rudy is the long haired dog on Susan's lap and Caroline was holding Charlie that just got a haircut(shave was more like it) and had long hair around his face and Lowell thought he looked like a monkey.
Joe, Brendan and Kellan were in Tulsa OK. Kellan was playing baseball in a tournament. So Susan left her other two dogs at home.
Then out in the yard was a beautiful bluebird that I wanted a picture of. Caroline and I took a 22 mile walk, well she said that's how far we walked. All in all it was a beautiful time.

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Texas Rangers Museum

These are all pictures at the museum. We really enjoyed it. The big old tree is an oak tree they are all over Texas. We watched a video when we first got there and the Texas Rangers are something else. Today they still work on all the extreme hard cases.
When they first started they had a rough life. They fought the Indians then and couldn't win till they got guns that they didn't have to reload. They could only shoot once and they would have to reload, meanwhile the Indians could keep shooting arrows.
They are the ones that finally caught Bonnie and Clyde too. Today they still work with the Highway patrols and the FBI.
It was very informative and educational. One thing I noticed was they had some of their outfits there and they all had such small boots. It sure doesn't look like anything outside but inside was great. You had to enjoy looking at guns too!

These little wooden horses were for kids to have their pictures taken on. You could spend all day there. We used to go by here when we were trucking and always wanted to stop and finally got to.
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First stop after Aransa Pass

I saw this sign in this little rest area where we stopped to eat lunch. I said where can I put my household garbage and the boss said You just throw it in "I said so".

We haven't changed a bit did we? This was April 1st when we stopped there and I walked around this little rest area. A truck driver blew his horn at me and I was so happy and you know who said forget it it was an April fool"s joke. See what cruelty I have to live with.
This is the Texas Rangers Museum in Waco TX.
This is the entrance but don't think you can read these markers.
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